
Hey there,

I'm VK, and I created trydeepwork. This page is a manifesto on why, and how it's different from the rest of the productivity tools.

A couple years ago, I was studying for a tech interview while balancing my job and personal life. I had a ton of stuff to do and not enough time. I tried to use the tricks you often hear or read about - you know, work for 25 mins, take a break, repeat. It wasted more time than it saved.

Every time I'd get into the flow of coding, or just getting into focus, a timer would go off telling me to take a break. It felt like I was constantly starting and stopping, never really getting anywhere. That's when I realized: these methods might work for simple tasks like sending emails or uploading receipts, but they're useless for the complex problems that really matter.

These realizations didn't just shape my work habits - they became the foundation for trydeepwork. I wanted to create a tool that truly understood and supported the way serious professionals actually work. No gimmicks, no unnecessary frills, no cute todo lists or confetti animations - just features that genuinely enhance your ability to focus deeply.

It's a tool for those of us who need to dive deep into complex problems, craft designs, or create meaningful content. It's for programmers, academics, writers, designers and freelancers - anyone whose work demands intense focus. Afterall, real, meaningful work requires long periods of uninterrupted focus. This product philosophy drives what features I implement, and what you can expect:

Intentional Design

Every aspect of our interface is purposefully crafted to prioritize your focus. We've stripped away the unnecessary, leaving only what truly helps your deep work. This means you'll find a clutter-free interface that keeps you focused on what matters - your work.

Substance over Superficiality

We believe in substance over superficiality. Unlike other tools that chase fleeting trends, we're committed to long-term utility, evolving with you over time. This tool should make sense today, and ten years from now.

Opinionated Workflow

Our tool is designed to empower you without overwhelming you. From timing your tasks, managing your focus, selecting your goals, or taking up challenges, these features work seamlessly together to boost your productivity. We distill timeless principles into streamlined features, freeing you from endless customization and tweaking.

With this philosophy in mind, it's clear that trydeepwork is not for everyone, and that's by design.

It's for people who understand that true productivity isn't about checking off todos or racking up hours. It isn't about feel-good productivity hacks or trendy aesthetics. It isn't about quick fixes or flashy gimmicks. It's about making meaningful progress on goals that matter.

It's for those who know that their best work happens with long uninterrupted focus hours. For those who juggle their time between personal and professional goals, and balance their personal time. It encourages you to pick your objectives, helps you auto prioritize, and focus on the tasks and goals that truly matter. It helps you manage the relentless tide of busywork, while still making time for your most ambitious goals.

If that sounds like you - if you're ready to work deeper, not just longer - then trydeepwork might be exactly what you've been looking for.

If you're ready to experience what real focus can do for your work, I invite you to give trydeepwork a shot. I can't wait to see what you'll accomplish.